Our Story
PrayerBox4U is an online gift retailer specializing in self-care beauty products and self-care books. Our purpose at PrayerBox4U is to provide a means for others to give gifts with intention, in the spirit of love and grace and plant a seed of faith. We are proud to be followers of Him, imperfect as we are, striving to be more like Jesus each day. Our ministry at PrayerBox4U offers bible study motivation along with resources including bible studies and videos on our member's page.
Both Amanda and Will worked in the Automotive Industry for over 55 years combined. After years of work, they decided it was time to do something that was full of meaning and work together again. Will and Amanda met nearly 20 years ago working together in a dealership. Three beautiful daughters and A LOT of moving later, we are still going strong.
Only because of The Lord.
May we share that gift with you.